10% COUPON : on all +$50 order :
FREE GIFT COUPON: One Klairs Illuminating Supple BB Cream on all order +$99 ! Use the code :
FREE GIFT COUPON: One Klairs Illuminating Supple BB Cream on all order +$99 ! Use the code :
This month gift is Klairs Mochi BB, that I reviewed here! I adore this BB Cream, so you better try to steal it ;)
Il regalo di questo mese e la Mochi BB di Klairs, che ho recensito qui! Io AMO questa BB cream, quindi vi consiglio di provarla e cercare di accaparrarvela con questa offerta ;)
If you register from this link, or using my code 063049609 , you are going to get a 5$ discount code (and some vouchers) that you can use immediately. If you shop from my links, you will support my blog!
Se vi registrate da questo link o utilizzando il mio codice 063049609 , otterrete subito un ulteriore sconto di 5$ sul vostro ordine (piĆ¹ vari vouchers) ; acquistando dai link del blog, supporterete il mio lavoro!
Here is a list of the products I've purchased, tested or tried for some time from Wishtrend!
Klairs Midnight Blue Calming Cream
Klairs Rich Moist Soothing Serum
Klairs Wishbox [Old Version]
C20 Pure Vitamin C-21.5 Advanced Serum
Klairs Gentle Black Deep Cleansing Oil
Skinmiso Pore Corset Serum
Klairs Illuminating Supple BB Cream
Berrisom Oh my Lips Tint Pack
Klairs Creamy & Natural Fit Concealer
Zymogen Hottunya Cordata Ferment Mist
23YearsOld 15 Seconds Pergillus Foaming Cleanser
Klairs Rich Moist Soothing Cream

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