

Everything here on Winterskin Makeup is an original content made by me, Angiu, and reflects my personal opinion.
I take pictures, I write the articles and translate them, and, unless stated otherwise, everything is made and/or purchased by ME.
Please remember that people are different, and what may work for me it may not work for you, so my opinion is purely my opinion and it doesn't want to be 100% reliable.

Whenever pictures are taken from a blog/site/page different from Winterskin Makeup it is stated in the disclaimer at the end of the article with a link to the original source. I make sure to always say when a content is not original and I always quote the author ( so that even if the original url may not work, you can google the original source.). Same when I decide to quote a piece of an article/post/review that I've liked; I always use the italic font and put the name and a link to the original source. 

Everything here reflects my personal thoughts and opinions and this doesn't change when it comes to PR samples, samples in general and things like that.
I don't reject samples, but I'm free to refuse to write an article that doesn't reflect my personal thoughts on a product just because it has been sent for me to try on for free.
I will only feature products ( with a special preference to products purchased by me ) that I have personally tested and experienced.
With "Tested" I mean really tested on my skin, and I assure you that every makeup product have been tested for at least a week, while for every skincare item the time is at least a month
Collaborations and guest blogging are welcomed, and in this case - of course - the related post will be written by someone who is not me.

Affiliate Link / Sponsorship
I do accept to feature products from affiliate sites/shops and I do accept to be send products for reviewing purpose until I'm free and not forced to write something that it's not my personal opinion.
Of course I mostly purchase products with my own money, and unless stated otherwise at the end of the post or article, you can assume that I've purchased that product by myself.
Affiliates or Sponsors can be found in the main Menu, so that it's always crystal clear who they are and it's easy for you to find out. Please, remember that I'm not affiliate with someone that I do not trust, so I must assure you that whoever I choose to be in a partnership with it's someone reliable. also remember that before being an affiliate, I am a client too and I purchase regularly from their shops.
Affiliation and Sponsorships are a way for me to earn money ( usually the 4% of the item price) whenever you purchase from the direct link I give you. Affiliate shops or sponsors are ALWAYS stated and clearly specified.

Whenever you see this code in your links "?a_aid=WinterskinMakeup" or "?a_aid=AngiuDantes" it's just a way to track how many people come to a certain site from my blog.
For Affiliates you have a series of numbers or words coming after that code, or only numbers. This means that they keep track of number of visits from my blogs and eventually if someone buys a product I suggested.

Privacy Policy

This blog doesn't collect your personal informations unless there is permission of the costumer. These personal imformation may be used for giveaways etc, but we will never collect them without the explicit permission of the interested costumer.

Like many other Web sites, winterskinmakeup.blogspot.com makes use of log files. The information inside the log files includes internet protocol (IP) addresses, type of browser, Internet service Provider (ISP), date/time stamp, referring/exit pages and number of clicks, all used to analyze what the user/costumer does. All these informations are used to track the user's movement around the site, but it doesn't give us consense/opportunity to get your personal informations, which, again, we only have if you provide them  directly to us.

What are Cookies? Check here.
What's the new european privacy policy law?  Check here, here and here.

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